Employees of Klickitat Valley Health Hospital may sign-up to utilize the '10-Minute Fitness' Live-Stream membership for free. This is a wellness benefit payed for by your KVH employer.
This membership includes daily '10-Minute Fitness' classes Monday-Saturday.
These classes can be taken LIVE via zoom or you may choose to receive the class recording that you can do at your convenience later.
Either way, you must book yourself into the class to receive both the zoom link and the recording.
To maintain your membership you must book at least 2 classes each week.
Ready to sign up for your first class?!
You will need to log-in and establish your account.
1.) Login with your @kvhealth.net email address
(Click the left blue icon at the top of the page)
2.) Use temporary password: studiofit
(You may update your password later by clicking forgot password.)
Once you are logged into the website or app you are ready to book classes!
The 10 Minute Fitness class styles may vary week to week - so be sure to check your email on Mondays to view schedule and class descriptions.